This Python script is a Streamlit application that uses OpenAI’s language model to answer questions about the content of a PDF file. Here’s a breakdown of what each part of the code does:
Import necessary libraries: The script starts by importing necessary libraries such as streamlit, openai, dotenv, PyPDF2, and several modules from langchain.
Load environment variables: The load_dotenv(find_dotenv()) line loads environment variables from a .env file in your project directory. This is typically used to securely manage sensitive information like API keys.
Create instances of OpenAI and OpenAIEmbeddings: These instances are used to interact with the OpenAI API and to create embeddings (vector representations of text), respectively.
Create a text splitter: This is used to split the text from the PDF into manageable chunks.
Load the question answering chain: This is a sequence of operations that takes a question and a set of documents as input and returns an answer.
Streamlit app setup: The st.title('Question Answering App') line sets the title of the Streamlit app.
Upload the PDF file: The st.file_uploader("Choose a PDF file", type="pdf") line creates a file uploader in the Streamlit app that accepts PDF files.
Read the PDF file and split the text into chunks: If a PDF file is uploaded, the script reads the file, extracts the text from each page, and splits the text into chunks using the text splitter created earlier.
Create a FAISS index from the texts: FAISS is a library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors. The script creates a FAISS index from the chunks of text, which allows it to quickly find chunks of text that are similar to a given query.
Input the question: The st.text_input('Enter your question:') line creates a text input in the Streamlit app where you can enter your question.
Answer the question: If the ‘Answer’ button is clicked, the script performs a similarity search to find chunks of text that are similar to the question, runs the question answering chain on these chunks, and displays the answer in the Streamlit app.